is upon us, a celebration of the harvest and a mythical event during
which Puritans and Red Indians sat down to a mega-feast. Meh. Can do
without the calories, but I do want to take stock of those things for
which I am extremely grateful.
am grateful... that I survived three years with my left leg still
attached to the rest of me. A current x-ray showed that the ankle is
stable. It may not improve, but it's holding up.
I am grateful ... that, due to disability and the official termination of my employment, I no longer have to serve the almighty corporate paradigm.
I no longer have to deal with the slightly anti-social behavior of
fellow team mates whom shall remain nameless.
am grateful... that they built one of these virtually down the road.
Hooray for “Tar-jay”.
am grateful... I do not have to catch, kill, pluck, stuff or cook one
of these.
and the opportunity to have a meal at the Cock & Bull in Lahaska on FRIDAY, instead of mucking around in the expected snow and slush on Thursday.
am grateful... that no on made me a broccoli turkey like this. And
NO...don't try.
am grateful... for my friends, especially when they do the
non-glorious chores I can't do for myself, like garbage patrol
and driving my sorry bum to doctors, x-rays, shops, ad nauseam.
am grateful... for the opportunity to write the articles and books I
feel passionate about for Fate Magazine, and Galde Press, due to my lovely
editor/publisher Phyllis Galde.
am grateful... that my fight against Cancer has not defeated me.
am grateful... for Sherlock, it's cast and crew, for giving me an
outlet for my love of things Sherlockian. By extension, I am grateful
there are many more like me in the fandom who share their writing,
art and enthusiasm.
am grateful... for my brother and sisters...nephews and nieces...yes,
all of you... and that my brother-in-law is here to share the
holidays. 'Nuff said.
am grateful... I still have this guy to keep my bed warm at night.
am grateful... to the Anam Cara, even when she spins out of control and
And, finally....
am grateful I only have to do this list once a year!
Love and Light to all of you this Thanksgiving.