Wednesday, October 30, 2013


To Dead Wise Women, And Those To Come

Back then,
we did not dignify
that purging:
we remembered.

The words, the pressing,
those most noble beasts
of burden licking entrails
from their own hands,
hanging Wise Ones,
burning timeless, bleeding witches.
And we were blood blazed
and all lost in that warm,
liquid squall of pain.

But survivors, gleaming now
-open -
we rock soft cradles.
We hush their old tongues,
the smell of their chambers,
the echoes of their knives.
We lift mead to lips.
We quiet memories.

But -
past our Circles,
the night air stirs.
Those most noble beasts
flick at moon shadows
with long, steely, bodkins.

They remember.

Katharine Clark
Samhain 2013

Rufus Update: 

Rufus' labs came back, and the results are positive. My poor baby definitely has prostate Cancer. For now, he is on medication to retard tumor growth and relieve inflammation. He also still gets his medicated baths. He seems to be much less itchy, and he is having less accidents and more comfort when using his tray.

The vet says he has about a year, so perhaps we'll see out another Samhain together. In celebration of his life, I present Rufus and his Halloweens. There are two years missing: he was a bumble bee his first year, and last year I just didn't feel well enough for costumes. Otherwise, I think it's obvious which outfits he liked, and those that didn't thrill him:

The Daisy: It was a cute idea, but didn't pull off too well.

The Pumpkin: The look says it all.

We disagreed about the Lobster. I thought it was great. He thought he looked like a geek dressed for a Star Trek convention.

He wanted this costume. He saw the picture and kept pawing it. I gave in. Once in the costume, he discovered that he had no way to pee. His stress was incredible. I actually wrote a story for Broomstix about it, and Robin Ator did the illustration below:

I hated the fish eating the shih tzu look. He, on the other hand, kept smiling.

He also loved his hot dog outfit.  I guess anything was better than the lobster.

Finally, this year, I found not only a costume we both loved, but one in which he actually posed. I present Rufus, the "cock" of the walk.

I really hope he's with me next year. We have an idea that will top even this!

In Sherlock News:

We have a PBS date!!!  Sherlock returns January 19,2014.

Safe and Blessed Samhain, everyone!

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