Sunday, June 24, 2018


I want to thank everyone for sticking with me through this investigation.  We are almost done.  We come finally to the attic, and our best evidence. It is a small miracle that we even have it. Up until this point, John was taking live and static pictures. For some reason, he made and error and took a short (VERY short) video instead.

Not everyone agrees on what they are seeing. Some think it is a result of a faulty focus, others believe it is paranormal.  You will have to decide for yourselves. Ah, but first...the attic.

There are two ways to access the top floor. The major route would be the grand staircase. When you take it all the way to the top, you will be standing in the hallway, right next to the area marked "stairs to widow's walk". See the floor plan below.
If you turn to the left, you will walk into Dolly Glenk's living room.

If you know anything about feng shui, you will see immediately that the shape of the walls and ceiling are not conducive to a positive flow of energy.  These top rooms have certainly had bad luck as far as the weather is concerned. They have all sustained water damage.

From one of the living room's side windows, there is a nice glimpse of the river.

You can easily locate this room from the rear of the building. Move to the back yard, and look for the two dormers.

You can also see the side window with the view, over the two story bay windows, and right above the iron cresting.

If you now go back to the hallway, this USE to be the next thing you would see...

This primitive looking structure was the rugged set of steps leading to the widow's walk. However, on the Friends of White Hill Mansion website, I saw THIS image.

Yup. That's a ladder. And now, there is just a raw opening in the ceiling.

Although, if you look up, you can still see the hatch that opens to the roof.

I was told by a member of "Friends" that the widow's walk is in disrepair, and the steps were removed too prevent visitors from climbing up. As a former Commercial Insurance Underwriter I can see the wisdom of that, although I do hope they plan to save this feature.

John did catch an orb in this area.

It seems to be coming from the storage area on the left, streaking across to the main stairs.

He also captured an orb in the storage area itself, about the size and shape of the one he photographed in the red bathroom.

Walking past the steps, you enter Dolly's bedroom.

The same weather damage is present, as are the same feng shui issues.

You can determine the location of this bedroom from the outside, as it protrudes from the house...

In the rear of the bedroom is an interesting, oddly shaped door.

Duck down.  Go through..

You have now entered the seedier side of White Hill...the bordello area.

Remember this bathroom in the Mayer bedroom?

Recall this hidden staircase entrance, next to the toilet?

If you go up these stairs...

you will end up in the brothel hallway, just outside Dolly's bedroom. Here is how it looks from the hall down to the bathroom.

On your left, as you walk down the hall, you will find two tiny rooms, each with a dormer. On one of the YouTube walking tours, you can hear the videographer comment, "Aww...nice little kid's room!" 

Far from it. These two rooms comprised the brothel.  The first is a rather yellowish color.

Remember, I was not able to walk this hallway myself, but when I see this picture of the dormer window, I get an overwhelming feeling of despair and loneliness. 

That feeling only increases when I see the second bordello room.

This is the static photo that John took of the blue brothel room. In and of itself, it reveals nothing.  But this is also where he shot the accidental video. We will return to this spot.  The static photo does give you an idea of just how small the space is.  There was probably room for just a bed and a night stand.

The brothel dormers face the front of the mansion (red arrows). They are right above the Mayer bedroom (purple arrow).

At the end of the hallway is the cistern room.

The cistern was probably installed in the 1860s. We know this because it sits on railroad irons which were only produced for a short time. Water was pumped from a well on the property, up a pipe that came through the window into the cistern. Even here, John captured an orb.

So now, let's return to that second bordello room. Following is the video. I will tell you what I see... the reflection in the glass of a woman sitting in the window.  Suddenly, a near transparent figure (closer to the lens) moves quickly from left to right. The scene behind it distorts as it passes.

Some claim they see the woman's head turn, as though reacting to John's presence...

And some claim it is a problem with the camera's focus.

Open it large. Play it many times.  What do you think?  "The Dead", or a dud?  A "spook"...or a fluke?

If this video does not play for you, e-mail me at:  I will send it to you! 

I'd like to thank John Buckholz and Bob Oberholtzer for their photography work.

I would also like to direct you all to the Friends of White Hill Mansion website: Here you will find history, photos, and an events page (at the bottom of which is a nice video by the Director). Most importantly, there is a membership page. Please consider a membership. It not only has neat benefits, but you also get a t-shirt!

Be there spirits or be there not, this house and its history will come to haunt you! Help save this unique piece of New Jersey's past.

If any of you want to get your own investigation together, that can be arranged through the website.

Oh yeah...and take me with you!

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